Megaman Battle network 5 Protoman Team/Colonel Team
Megaman X Collection
A year passes. All Mavericks have been neutralized, thanks to the efforts, know-how, and neuro-computer of a Reploid scientist named Dr. Doppler. They then settle in a utopian Reploid society called DoppleTown. Little time passes, however, before they begin to go berserk and riot after becoming infected with a strange virus. Dr. Doppler is then implicated as he ringleader, but not before the Reploids storm Maverick Hunter Headquarters. Mega Man X and Zero, now the leader of a special 0-unit, repel the attack and set out to stop the revolt. Doppler sends Bit and Byte, and a new and improved Vile, in the new ride armor "Goliath." Upon defeting Doppler, X finds that Doppler was corrupted by the virus, which is actually Sigma's true form, and that Dopppler has built a new super battle body for his controller to occupy. X destroys the body and, after narrowly escaping being possesed himself, X sees Dr. Doppler die for his attrocities to destroy Sigma and Zero eliminates him with an Anti-Sigma virus program. It is revealed that in the end, X must destroy Zero to save humanity.